Virtual Desktop Services

Information Technology organizations face increased pressure to:

  • Improve access to corporate applications, data and resources
  • Expand supported devices: "any device" at "any location"
  • Maintain or Increase performance so that applications can be operated properly
  • Increase security and protect corporate data
  • Reduce downtime
  • Reduce IT support costs for user support

Advantages of implementing Virtual Desktop Service:

Reduced frequency and cost for purchasing desktop / laptop computers, as compute resources to run the applications are located in the data center
Centralized Client OS Management
Rapid Client Deployment
Reduction in desktop support costs
Improved Data Security
Secure Remote Access, as most connection brokers offer an SSL VPN Component and Web Portal
Compliance with HIPAA and Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)
Fewer Application Compatibility Problems than with Terminal Server and Citrix, as users have their own, single user OS.


In a Virtual Desktop, the desktop operating system (windows or linux) runs inside of a Virtual Machine operating on a multi-node set of physical hosts in one or more data centers. Your applications run inside of the desktop operating system just as they run on a physical desktop. Your data may be stored in the virtual machine or on a specialized network attached storage device running in the same data center. 

Users connect to their Virtual Desktop by using a Virtual Desktop Application (VDI) that runs on their physical device such as a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. The VDI app makes a secure (encrypted) connection over a Internet circuit to the Virtual Machine in the data center.

After you have logged in, your desktop appears on your screen, and from that point forward, it operates just like a traditional desktop. All of your favorite programs, icons, pictures and wallpaper appear on your screen, just like before. If you want to use a Microsoft® Office® program such as Word®, you would just click on the icon, and the program opens, ready for you to begin typing.

When it comes to saving your files, you save them to your folders as always, but those folders are located on the virtual desktop and the files are saved on the remote server.

When you’re done with your work, you log off and your desktop closes.






You have high value knowledge workers that rely on compute intensive applications to perform mission critical corporate functions. Traditionally these users required expensive, high performance desktops to run these applications.  This restricted the mobility of these users, limiting their ability to work on remote projects. 

Technical Virtual Desktops (Technical VDI) harness the power of Graphical Processing Units (GPU) implemented at the core of the VDI cloud architecture providing Graphic intensive applications with the performance they need to provide a high-quality experience.

AiroSpark utilizes advanced technologies such as NVIDA GRID which provides sharing of a cluster of physical GPU across multiple virtual desktop and applications instances.

With Technical VDI, companies no longer have to restrict these users to a physical desktop at a single location enhancing the productivity and happiness of these valuable staff members.